Courses will include information on parenting, speech and language development, play, motor & visual skills, handwriting and more

This information will shift your perspective on your child's development, empower you with important tools and put you & your child on a more successful, peaceful path in life!

Hi, I'm Stacy!

Together we are going to explore healthy communication strategies to create closer connection with your kids and bring more peace to your family.

I am the co-owner of Family Tree Therapies, a speech and language pathologist, parent educator/coach and mom of two teenage boys. For more than 26 years, I have been helping parents (and learning myself!) to connect with their kids in order to live their very best lives together.

Hi, I'm Terri!

Together we will explore strategies and activities to develop your child's motor and visual skill development.

I am the co-owner of Family Tree Therapies and an occupational therapist. For over 23 years I have been helping parents and kids reach their greatest potential through play and functional activities.

...and be sure to keep an eye out for new classes on a regular basis!